Be amazing – Be You

A Realistic Morning Routine

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We have all seen the ASMR videos or the “perfect” morning routine blog, vlog, TikTok etc. Allow me introduce you to my morning routine. It is full of good intentions but one thing stays the same. It’s never perfect.

Mornings have never been my thing. I loathe waking up to an alarm and left to my own devices I would stay in bed long past what is most would consider a reasonable hour. I love my bed what can I say? However since I have to pay my mortgage, bills, and eat and stuff. I have had to make my peace with mornings. I have found that my deep deep love of coffee motivates me enough to get up with my alarm Monday to Friday. As a single woman with no children I can take my mornings a bit slower. I do have 7 pets (two dogs and five cats…and a bunch of fish) but lucky for me they have followed in their fur mama’s footsteps and don’t like mornings either. I work full time from home (thanks Covid) which provides me with the wonderful benefit of avoiding a twice daily commute and the mad AM rush to get out the door. Full disclosure, I did commute for years while living in Mississauga and working at a marketing agency. Those days would have been more akin to what we see as morning routines on social media. But due to life circumstances, I traded in the mega busy GTA for the very rural location I live now and I don’t miss the hustle and bustle one bit. Now, without further ado – here is my very real (and probably way more common than we think) AM routine.

  • Wake Up between 7:30 and 8:30am – I have a rule that if I wake up an hour before my alarm I get up (I follow that rule 85% of the time but the alarm is set for 8:30am)
  • Personal Hygiene Bathroom, brush teeth, give myself a quick once over
  • Convince Dogs to Get Up some days this takes more time then you would think (clearly they take after their mama)
  • Outdoor Time the pups and cats get to roam the backyard and do their business while I enjoy some natural light
  • Make Coffee This is a must and will never change
  • Feed the pets Fresh water change and food for the cats and dogs. Then I also feed the fishes (I have a lot of animals I know)
  • Drink Coffee This is the most important part of the morning and yes I drink my first cup of coffee fasted. Don’t come for me internet
  • Make my way to my office where I will have cups two and three of coffee along with breakfast and water

At some point in the morning I will do my face care and get dressed. Somedays that is done at 9am and some days 11am. Depends on my mood, mental health, and what I have going on that day. And to be totally honest some days I don’t do my AM face care because I don’t feel like it and that’s ok. The purpose of this post is to illustrate that perfection does not exist. We aren’t machines and some days are better than others. We are all out here trying to make the best of each day so don’t sweat the small stuff. Focus on what feels good to you and live your life that way. Even if it does not make a very interesting social media post, vlog, or blog. I mean look at me I even made a blog about my imperfect, all over the place mornings.

Until next time,
